Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The thing about Beowulf is that he is like he is kinda a hero that saves people from monsters that is theorizing the town. He goes around and kills monsters for money. he's not a rebel but more of a mercenary that helps people in bad situations. he is kinda like achillesw in the movie troy he is a mercenary and every body looks up to them. in how the are both great fighters and every body looks up to them for help, strength and every thing else. that is how Beowulf and acelieas are smiler.
so a nother thing about these to people are they are both very strong and not afraid of any thing but the deferences is acleas dies in the end and i think beowulf lives to becom king i belive but im gona have to read to fing out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Grendal Quiz

1. What dose Grendel look like?

2. How is Beowulf going to kill Grendel?

3. What is Beowulf wearing when he is fighting Grendel?

4. Where dose Beowulf come from?

5. Where dose Beowulf fight Grendel.

Thought provoking question?

why do you think the monster is terrorizing the city and why is it that when Grendel fights Beowulf Grendel is trying to retreat when the fight starts?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The book we are about to start reeding is beowulf i half watched the moview but they say its nothing like the book mabey the book will be a little better. i didnt realy care about the movei all that much just because it was animated but hopfull the book will be better. i think the book is about this king who is trying to save his people from the evil woman but other than that im not to shure whats its all about.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So im gona graduat here soon from Parkview High School in springfield MO. Theres not to much to tallk about this but that i cant wait graduate ang get on with my life i guse. I dont want to sound like a girl but i will miss my friends. So what im gona do after is i'll be entering into the rodeo and be rideing bulls at first and after i start to gett better at it i'll be rideing barebock bronkos.

I got a cool friend named Jhon he is prity a cool guy he has a blog too its Yahi i dont know what that means its probly some elalthadoring name or somethen. He's from New York he aint from the country like my self but he's a cool homie ill miss him after i graduat but ill probly see him at a party or somethen latter after i graduat. But my buddy gets introuble a lot kinda thats him in the photo above and thats me behind him we got caught on the courner. it was a bad deal but it was all a miss understanding.

signing off Mdizal